Welcome to Mentalk2u.blogspot.com page, Please check the ANNOUNCEMENT!! page for the latest news.... MENTALK CANDY sale permanently stopped and replace by new product Fema Enhancer. please check notice from LFi Company for further information.... Thank You


Welcome to Brunei Page,
Due to the high demand from our costumer in Brunei, we open our market there. For those interested in buying our Mentalk Candy please contact

Jumat Sulaiman - 8749116

Tol 1301, Kg Bukit Puan,
Labi Ke1137,
Prihanti - 2455438
Aisya - 8736483
Hecemes - 8725534

P.O. Box 1341
Gadong Post Office, 3113
Bandar Seri Begawan
Brunei Darussalam

The price is base on currency in Brunei. Please contact our dealer for the price.
Feel Free to nagivate this site to know more about the great product Mentalk Candy

"Semua Orang Cakap Hebat"


Anonymous said...

good news!!!