Welcome to Mentalk2u.blogspot.com page, Please check the ANNOUNCEMENT!! page for the latest news.... MENTALK CANDY sale permanently stopped and replace by new product Fema Enhancer. please check notice from LFi Company for further information.... Thank You

Main Ingredients

Cynomorium Songaricum

Invigorates the kidney and supplements essence for kidney “yang” and insufficiency of blood manifested as impotence, nourishes the intestine and relaxes the bowels. It has the full range of nourishment compounds ideal for middle ages.
Membekalkan tenaga "Yang" dan darah yang mencukupi kepada ginjal supaya meningkatkan fungsi organ reproduktif, meningkatkan fungsi usus dan melegakan perut. Ia mengandungi komposisi yang sesuai untuk golongan dewasa pertengahan

Ginseng Extract
Improves our immune system, body metabolism, heart muscle, relieves fatigue, improves synthesis of red blood cell, prevents aging.
Memperbaiki sistem imun, metabolisme badan, otot jantung, mengurangkan keletihan, meningkatkan proses sintesis sel darah merah, mengelakkan penuaan.

Hydrolysed Protein/Protein Terhidrolisis
More easily and directly absorbed, basic structuring of cell, regenerationof tissues.
Lebih mudah dan terus diserap oleh badan, struktur asas sel badan dan membantu pertumbuhan semula tisu

Production of new cells, decomposes body toxins and metabolic wastes, decomposes fat and glycogen to produce energy.
Mengeluarkan sel baru, menguraikan toksin dan bahan buangan badan, menguraikan lemak dan glikogen untuk mengeluarkan tenaga

Pomegranate Polyphenol/Polifenol Delima
Powerful anti oxidative effect, anti-mutagenic effect, suppresses cancerous cells from multiplying.
Aktioksidan, menyekat penuaan sel badan, menyekat pertumbuhan sel kanser

Malt /Malt Tulen
Skin nourishment, increases stamina, stimulates appetite
Penjagaan kulit, peningkatan stamina, perangsang selera