Cynomorium songaricum “Ginseng In The Desert” miracleThe main ingredient of Mentalk is Cynomorium songaricum, which is also known as “Ginseng In The Desert”. Since centuries ago, it has been medically recognised as “Herb of Longevity”. Cynomorium songaricum grows in desert with unique geographic terraine and extreme climate, where the difference in temperature between day and night achieves more than 100oC (the highest is 82.3oC, the lowest is -20oC). Thus, this species is impossible to be cultivated by human until now.
Cynomorium songaricum is a rhizophilous. It parasitizes on the root of Nitraria. The reproduction process of Cynomorium songaricum is quite similar to human as it will appear above the ground in May and June and begins to ripen in July or August. Cynomorium songaricum is a monoecious plant where its stigma will receive the pollen from the same individual plant. The seed of Cynomorium songaricum is very tiny and it looks alike human’s zygote cell under microscope.
Cynomorium songaricum can only be harvested once a year at a very precise period, which is within 14 days after ripening. This is important as the root of ripened Cynomorium songaricum will produce white worms and these white worms will consume the inner part of the plant from bottom until it becomes an empty shell at outer part. At the same time, Cynomorium songaricum will excrete a balmy odor which will attract the animals in the desert to devour the plant itself.
Cynomorium songaricum is rare and very precious among the Chinese traditional herbs, as recorded more than centuries ago in Compendium of Materia Medica: Cynomorium songaricum is therapeutic in sexual enhancement, nourishes bone and muscle, prevents dryness, moisturizes the intestine and relaxes bowels. This herb is useful on individuals who suffer such symptoms like impotence, weakness on muscle and bone, cold pain of the loin and knees, constipation and so on. Beside, Merida Theory in Huangdi Neijing which existed more than 2000 years ago and Sheng Nong’s Herbal classic from few hundred years ago also recorded the efficacy of Cynomorium songaricum.
Cymonorium Songaricum "Ginseng Gurun" yang ajaib
Kandungan utama mentalk cymonorium Songaricum juga dikenali sebagai "ginseng gurun", ia di takfifkan sebagai "ubat pemanjang umur" dalam bidang perubatan sejak beratus-ratus tahun yang lalu. Cymonorium Songaricum tumbuh di kawasan gurun dengan keadaan geografi yang unik serta iklim yang buruk iaitu perbezaan suhu waktu siang dan malam adalah sebanyak 100 darjah celcius (tertinggi 82.2 C dan terendah -20 C). Namun, ia mampu tumbuh subur dan kini masih tidak mungkin ditanam oleh manusia.
Cymonorium Songaricum hanya dipetik sekali setahun pada waktu tertentu (dalam 14 hari selepas matang). Semasa matang, bahagian akar Cymonorium Songaricum akan menghasilkan ulat putih yang memakan bahagian dalaman dari akar hingga ke puncak. Pada masa yang sama, ia juga menghasilkan bau wangi dan menarik perhatian binatang-binatang lain untuk memakannya.
Seperti yang tercatat dalam "Compendium of Materia Medica" sejak beratus-ratus tahun dahulu, Cymonorium berupaya memelihara sistem reproduktif lelaki, memperkuatkan tulang dan otot serta melicin dan mengkhasiatkan usus. Ia sesuai untuk merawat simpton-simpton seperti kemandulan, otot dan tulang yang lemah, lutut yang tidak berupaya serta sembelit. Selain itu, Meridian Theory in Huangdi Neijing lebih daripada 2000 tahun lalu dan Sheng Nong's Herbal Classic turut mencatatkan kemujaraban Cymonorium Songaricum
This candy is a hot selling in town now. Another brand is going to lauch. New from my friend said Hotton candy have 4 different flavor.
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