Bagi yang berminat untuk tambah pendapatan juga dialu-alukan..
Plan marketing yang sangat baik..
100% MEGA matching direct sponser (Walaupun 1 downline)...
Bersama menambah pendapatan, menambah kesihatan disamping membantu kepada yang memerlukan.. insyaallah, usaha kita diberkati..
Yang paling menarik dalam business nie adalah plan 100% matching with direct sponser..
Bagaimanakah memulakan satu urusan yang untungnya sebanyak 71&~137%?
Untuk Ahli Biasa
Harga 3 kotak = RM294.00 + membership free.. harga runcit = RM120 sekotak..
Harga Loose pack bleh jual 1 biji=RM5
RM5 x 30 = RM150
Modal sekotak = RM98
Untung untuk Sekotak RM150 -RM98 = RM52
Mobile Stokis
satu urus niaga boleh dimulakan melalui satu set (mobile) MENTALK yang hanya berharga RM2450. Jual sebiji MENTALK dengan harga RM5~7,
jadi sekotak MENTALK (30 biji)= RM150~210.
Tapi modal bagi sekotak MENTALK hanya RM98.
Jadi sekotak MENTALK membawakan pulangan keuntungan antara RM52~112.
1 Mobile MENTALK ada 25 kotak, jadi jual 1 Mobile MENTALK,
dapat untung 25 X (RM52~112) = (RM1300~2800)
Tambah pula, 1 Mobile MENTALK percuma 2 kotak MENTALK,
boleh untung 2 X (RM150~112)= RM300~420.
Jadi jual 1 Mobile MENTALK boleh untung
RM ((1300~2800)+(RM300~420)= RM1600~3220 wang tunai.
Keuntungan Di atas adalah hanya sekiranya anda menjual secara Loose pack sahaja. Anda masih berpeluang mendapat pendapatan yg berganda
Mengikut PELAN PEMASARAN company,
1) 1 Mobile mendapat 9% Performance Bonus.
2) 1 Mobile Mendapat 5% Komisyen sebagai "Mobile Stokist fee"
Jadi beli 1 Mobile MENTALK, mengikut PLAN PEMASARAN, mendapat
1000PV X (9+5)%= RM140.
Jumlah untung anda ialah: RM1740~3360.
Peratus keuntungan ialah 71%~ 137%
Untuk mengetahui Plan Yang Selanjutnya, sila
Download e-Book Plan Pemasaran (klik kanan dan SAVE)
Sila emailkan segala pertanyaan ke atau hubungi wakil jualan di talian
iMobileTechnology - 0169596241
Asmawi - 0123098849
Muhammad - 0132960156
Pejabat jualan di
No 15B, Lot 627 Lorong Sri Aman
Jalan Mat Raji, Padang Jawa
40200 Shah Alam
Atau terus Hubungi Agen Jualan Kami yang berhampiran. (Sila Rujuk Pada DEALER LIST)
*Harga Ahli bagi Sabah dan Serawak Adalah RM100 Sekotak dan RM7~RM10 Sebiji mengikut kawasan
Is there any mentalk office in singapore??
why there is no singapore contact number??
Thanks for your inquiry.
Due to international marketing,
We need to refer this matter to the HeadQuaters to avoid incoming problem. Please leave your email to the mailbox so we can contact you after this.
I have seen your impressive web advertisement. I have experienced your product and I would say this is one of the most valuable and genuine product I have ever tried.
However, Can you please explain to us the would be customers the following:
1. Als Technichem is a private Laboratory and not the Health Ministry of Singapore. So is the product deem safe in Singapore. I hope you are aware of the stringent requirements here.
2. Why are the tests results not displayed but blanked off? We are talking about long term partnershhip here and my customers and I would like to be assured of the Company's stand on the above matter
3. Your office in Geylang does not seem to answer phone calls. I will keep trying again in the coming days and hope my endeavours with them would be fruitful.
Please advise how can we get this product in Singapore.
Thank you,
Thanks for your comment here.
We already replace the Certificate picture to a better one. we are glad that you already test the Mentalk candy and knew the value of the product.
about The Lfi Office in Geylang that not response to your phone, we advise you to personally come to the office. The LFi Office in singapore is really exist and many great Leader born from there.
For Your Information, Lfi Product is sold via MLM (multilevelmarketing) in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Mentalk Candy is born in Malaysia about 6 month ago and we try to sell this candy in other country. Due to procedure, it can take a long time to goverment to permission a product.
we hope you can understand the situation. if you interested to get this product or have any question, feel free to mail us at
I have tried Mentalk, and it do make me feel energize.. but there are few question that still lingering in my mind ...
Why are the certificate from Malaysian Government couldn't be enlarge?
Are this candy been tested by KKM (Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia)?
Has it been tested by any research las in Malaysia, i.e BioTropika (one of GLC for chemical research) ?
Hope you can clarify things for my peace of mind.
dear iamigos,
we already enlarge the picture of certificate and if you see the clear one, please download here
KKM have been classified Mentalk candy as a food not medicine. we already test this product in one of most popular lab in singapore and detect no hidden drug inside. we personally test it in SIRIM (one or our costumer work inside) and one of master student make a testimony about mentalk candy ingredient for his project paper. we will publish the result in time so please check this website letter.
feel freefor any question.
Dear Sir,
I've tried mentalk and there's sure some improvement but I'd like to know if a post-CABG can take the candy. Is it detrimental to the heart?
Dear IbnAbdHalim,
if you have a doubt about this product, please print our certificate especially from Singapore Lab and ask for advise from your doctor. This product categorized as food. only pregnant woman and woman that feed milk breast to her baby not advised to use this product. every human body system is different and only you can tell that.
my mom has been admitted in Ampang Putri Hospital in Kuala Lumpur due to this shit!..its been banned in Singapore...
this shit caused her liver enzime to increase from 40+ to 1000+....
if you care about your love one or even care about your life...stop taking this shit!!
if you dont believe what I say, you can call Ampang Puteri Hospital and ask the doctors can even call me at 03-41402393 for verification
Hey you guys,here's the latest news from SINGAPORE :
A dangerous substance has been found in a brand of candy called "Mentalk".
The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) said it has detected the undeclared chemical substance aminotadalafil in the ginseng and coffee candy. The substance is similar to tadalafil, which is used to treat impotence.
HSA warned that aminotadalafil can cause serious adverse reactions such as heart attacks and strokes in susceptible individuals.
Heart patients who are on nitrate drugs may suffer severe hypotension, which could be fatal.
HSA has advised the public not to buy or eat the candy.
you can say that what i purchased was a fake one..but seriously, do you think i'm stupid??
post a picture to compare the fake mentalk and the 'ori' mentalk'...
out of curiosity, if people can make fake items, which means that the cost to make the fake item is only at low cost.....
good product are not cheap even at the research stage....
Hellooo..Mr Nice Khairul!!!
kalo betul mak Ko masuk hospital gi jek saman LFI tuh, pastuh duit saman yang dapat tuh wat ubat mak dia pastuh bayar seribu dua kat paper bgtau mentalk bahaya. setakat cakap camtuh semua orang bleh cakap
Sbb paper keluarkan citer pasal mentalk ni sekerat dua habis kecoh satu malaysia mentalk kena haram. i dah check byk web cuma jumpa kenyataan yang sama je dari HSA. takde la plak prove yang mentalk ni bahaya. i makan mentalk ni dah 2 bulan, kesihatan pon dah makin ok. sayang kalau product yang bagus stop just like that cause of statement yang tak berapa jelas.
i setuju ngan nurbisa, kalau betul2 khairul mom in hospital sbb mentalk ni, kenapa tak pergi saman je company tuh? dapat la stop mentalk sale ni. kalo mr khairul win this case, he can use the money untuk better treatment for his mom and save ramai orang jadi mangsa. kalau tak menang pon at least boleh masuk paper and aware orang ramai pasal mentalk ni. Biasa la bila sesuatu product tu kena duplicate. CD yang beli kat pasar mlm pun gambar cantik, kualiti sendiri tahu. peace!
Dear all,
The Mentalk Candy Case in singapore already settle by company 3 day ago. There is no ban happen to this product in singapore. for more LFi explanation, please visit
they already make an explaination in main Chinese Newspaper(since chinese market start first around october 2007) and will be in malay in short time.
Dear Khairul,
we feel sorry to hear that your mom in hospital. are you sure that your mom illness cause by Mentalk Candy. We always remind the costumer that have critical desease to get an advise from a doctor before consume. Mentalk candy is noot a medicine, it classes as food by KMM(please see at Certificate section for more detail). i agree with nurbisa and azam wangsa maju said that why not you come to our head office make a complent or sue if its true these candy is dangerous to human health. please note there is no offence here. we already stop sell this product almost a week after the case happened in singapore. we will appreciate you a lot mr Khairul if you can prove this product is dangerous. please understand that we no need to close this business just one complaint you make. if a costumer complaint that ocean fish sold in market have plumbum that containt in Petrol that use to move your car,are they need to stop sell that?. i can delete your comment in this post just like that, but we're open heart here. we apreciate for any comment here (unless spamming will delete immedietly).So my advise is, if you think you need to stop the mentalk candy sale, please make the right procedure like report it to Kementerian Kesihatan or make a Police Report. if you need the main Office address, please email to it will be our pleasure to hear any information. we do a right busines here. we understand life cannot be trade. if true Mentalk Candy can effect to human badly, (unless the temporary pain for healing crisis)we will stop the sale immedietly.
hope you will understand.
Memang susah la nak bisnes kalo sumer barang kena cetak rompak. Kalo barang bagus biasa la kena klon. Asam garam bisnes. banyak2 sabar tokey2 mentalk ye
dear blogger,
kajian pihak berautoriti di malaysia telah membuktikan bahawa mentalk candy memang mengandungi racun berjadual (analog tadalafil)
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